Supporting Schools

Leadership and Wellness Tools for Effective Teaching and Learning 



For three decades, Shine Your Light staff have been coaching, training, and facilitating forums for school leaders, teachers, district administrators, and parents to learn easy, accessible, immediately effective educational, wellness, and leadership techniques.

Shine Your Light’s unique program offers three immediately effective levels of skills and tools:




Our 100% customized services are offered virtually and in-person, during or outside the school day, and include:

  1. Customized skills trainings in small or large groups
  2. One-on-one coaching (mental wellness and educational leadership)
  3. Leadership and governance consulting (strategic goal-setting and implementation, board training, organizational management, effective educational program, staff learning and development)
  4. Other custom-designed coaching, consulting, training, and support
  5. Zoom workshops and master classes. Topics include:

Mental Wellness:

  • Say “Ahhh:” Tools to Immediately Ease Overwhelm, Anxiety, Depression, Distraction, and Stress
  • Turn off the Toast: Navigating the 3 Stages of Burnout
  • Take Out the Fangs: Dealing with People Who Are Draining You Dry
  • Bubbles and Blow-Ups: How to Be Your Best Self When Others Around You Are Not
  • Walk the Line: Creating School-Life Balance


  • “No Duh!” Trust Your Gut to Make Quick, Clear Decisions
  • Who’s Steering This Ship? Setting and Navigating Strategic Goals
  • The Buck Stops Where? Effective Leadership and Governance
  • Beyond the Three R’s: Creating a Powerful, Mission-Driven Education Program
  • Team Members from Hell: Sticky Personnel Issues
  • Filling Big Shoes: Leadership Succession Planning



    Laurie Gardner - Intuitive Coach

    Laurie Gardner, Founder & CEO, Principal Consultant, Master Trainer and Coach

    Four-time Harvard graduate and 30-year leadership and personal development coach, Laurie has served as the close advisor and trusted consultant to country and state leaders, mayors, education and business pioneers, and other top movers and shakers worldwide. Beginning her education career as an inner-city high school teacher and principal, she spent two decades spearheading a global school reform movement, founding and directing an internationally acclaimed charter school nonprofit, and helping thousands of leaders to start and run successful organizations. A five-time start-up founder and leader, Laurie understands firsthand the challenges and joys of running a mission-driven organization.

    Laurie received graduate and undergraduate degrees in education, psychology, and world religions from Harvard University, where she also taught quantum physics. She is a master practitioner in over three dozen body/mind/spirit wellness techniques, including intuitive coaching, and the author of two books, The Road to Shine and The Road to Joy (pending). An avid world explorer, she has traveled to 60 countries and 40 states, is a former Outward Bound wilderness instructor, and speaks five languages. Anyone seeking to be their truest, best self or who wants to help their communities or the world is someone Laurie is honored to learn from and serve.

    Shine Your Light Coaching and Training Team

    Laurie has rigorously trained and certified a highly-skilled team of  coaches and trainers to assist with Shine Your Light’s work in supporting schools. For bios on our coaches, please visit the Our Team page.



    Shine Your Light works with each organization’s and individual’s goals to develop a customized menu of services. To let us know how we might best be of service, please contact Laurie Gardner, We look forward to hearing from you!


    In San Francsico, a school administrator learned  tools and techniques to better handle his high-stress role through SYL’s one-on-one leadership coaching and “Trust Your Gut” master classes.

    In Newark, New Jersey, a team of teachers and top school leaders worked with an SYL trainer and one-on-one coach to learn immediately calming  techniques to quell their daily overwhelm and manage long-term burnout.

    A school governing board and leadership team worked with an SYL consultant on their strategic goal-setting and implementation, organizational and staffing structure, and management tools and coaching to ensure long-term sustainability and the ongoing high quality of their educational program.

    A school district in New Jersey deftly navigated a challenging in-house conflict between district and school leaders with the aid of a skilled SYL facilitator.